Crystal Healing Services Boost Your Mental Wellbeing So That You Can SHINE!

Who isn’t attracted to the sparkle of the beautiful crystals as the sunlight bounces off them, shining light and rainbow prisms of light around a room? But the reason we are drawn to crystals goes far beyond their beauty. Crystal healing offers us a connection through your crystalline body to the crystals of the earth through their electromagnetic field to bring you back into emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance. Crystal healing therapy is an ancient healing system that not only focuses on healing holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room in a grid like pattern, but also has scientific origins. According to crystal therapy, every crystal has its own unique electromagnetic charge. On a microscopic level a crystal is a network of repeating geometric patterns made up of compressed ions, atoms and molecules, they are alive. The charges in each crystal, or ‘healing vibrations,’ interact with the body’s energy centers to remove ‘blockages’ and restore a healthy flow through the body, mind and energy field.

Beginning next month, Chrysalis Psychological Services will be offering nine different crystal healings that encompass three categories, daily balance healings, healings for the body, and healings for the mind. This approach is a non-invasive, relaxing, natural and enjoyable process that further extends to offer you an opportunity for restoration, peace, and rejuvenation. Having the chance to lie back, relax and get in touch with their body’s energies so they can leave feeling refreshed, restored and de-stressed – a perfect platform for improved physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. I will work with you to discover your needs and cater a session to your goals so that you can feel more connected to yourself, free of blockages, and ready to reclaim the life that you want to celebrate!

Stay tuned throughout the remainder of the month for ways you can sign on for your first session!

Curious what I can offer you to help build the life you love? Get in touch!

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“Beyond the Couch” Explores the Benefits of Group Therapy!

The newest episode of the “Beyond the Couch” podcast is here!

Today, we look at the benefits of group therapy, different formats of group therapy, and how we can gain the most benefit from group therapy. You can listen to the episode here!

Don’t forget: If you missed the first few episodes, they are always available via iTunes, on my website, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and YouTube.

If you’ve found these episodes helpful in some way, please be sure to read a rating and review so that 1.) I know what helps you and 2.) so that others in the same boat can find what they need.

Enjoy these first few episodes before the next one on Thursday – we’ll be focusing on Mindfulness!

Mindful Monday: Enrollment Now Open!

You may be finding yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed and run-down. You might be having a hard time catching your breath and feel rushed from one thing to the next without a moment to slow your racing mind down. There are tools and strategies to help you focus, find your footing again, and even feel the relief in your body and mind.

I am so excited to bring back the Mindful Monday 8 session series! We just had a brief glimpse into Mindfulness with our Mindfulness Matters 5 Day Challenge + 3 Bonus Days where people joined us from seven US states and four countries! In fact, people have shared with me that they are revisiting the challenge yet again on their own!

The exciting news is that we can broaden this practice in our Mindful Monday 8 session series! Our last round of the series brought so much benefit to our community. Here are some of the comments from group members:

“It was a really nice way to get myself into the mindset for a productive and calm week.”

“I learned so much about my body and mind and how my feelings showed up around them from these groups.”

“Sharing this with the others in the group made it a more deep experience for me. I gained a lot from each of the other people!”

This is one of my favorite practices and I am so thrilled about bringing it back to help people who are feeling stressed, unfocused, and overwhelmed get back on track.


Mindfulness offers so many benefits and ways of enhancing our lives – from Mindful eating to improving our mood, focusing, and increasing our productivity to building better relationships, this practice brings with it so many opportunities to deepen the experiences in your life. Learn a bit more in my interview with Rockland World Radio’s “Connections with Deborah Turner.”

Wondering how this series can benefit your life? Contact me to learn little more about how Mindful Monday can help you. And be sure to try a little sample!

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Help Me Help You!

As we get ready to wrap up enrollment in our Mindfulness Matters 5 Day Challenge kickoff, I wanted to enlist your help in making sure I am serving *your* needs! Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below:

Thank you for your feedback! Please also feel free to make any suggestions for groups that you might find helpful.

For some immediate strategies to help you manage difficult feelings anytime, anywhere, take a look at my suggestions!

Curious what I can offer you to help build the life you love? Get in touch!  

Connect with me to see what support I can offer!

What Is Reiki?

You might be feeling a bit off over the last few weeks. We’ve had a hectic holiday season and now things are slowly falling back into the routine. Yet something still doesn’t quite feel right. You might be exhausted or feel worked up most of the time no matter how much you are trying to relax. It might just feel like you can’t quite seem to get your footing back on the ground and find your rhythm again. That’s very understandable… and Reiki can help!

Reiki has come to receive much acclaim and recognition for its effectiveness as a powerful healing instrument. Reiki therapy is a holistic, gentle energy work process that assists in physical, mental and emotional healing. It is a simple, effective and powerful method of natural healing. Sessions provide a relaxing, soothing healing environment that ensures comfort and peace during your healing. This relaxed, peaceful state helps to contribute to our emotional, physical, and mental healing.

More recently, researchers have begun to more formally evaluate Reiki’s effectiveness in healing a number of different things. Reiki is now being offered in hospitals and other clinical settings to help cardiac patients following heart attacks, cancer survivors during their recovery, and many other conditions. Reiki has also been valued as a complement to psychotherapy and in alleviating depression, anxiety, effects of trauma, and reducing stress.

I offer several different modalities of Reiki sessions. In these sessions, we can restore your sense of feeling like yourself again — both emotionally and physically!

If you’re curious how this soothing technique can help you get back to feeling more like yourself, get in touch with me to explore the ways it can reconnect you with yourself and get your goals for 2017 turbocharged! Do you have previous experiences with Reiki? Share them in our Facebook and Twitter community to inspire others!

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Benefits of Mindful Eating

Here we are on Mindful Monday again! Recently, I introduced some guidelines for mindful eating. If you have had a chance to try them out, I would love to hear your experiences. Share them with our Facebook and Twitter communities so you can help inspire others!

If you find yourself nervous about all the food coming up later in the week, here are some benefits of mindful eating that can help you practice mindful eating to ensure you feel your best:

  • Mindful eating helps you appreciate food more, so you eat less
  • Mindful eating reverses the emotional eating habit
  • Mindfulness interrupts the relationship between thoughts and unconscious, automatic eating behaviors
  • Mindfulness undercuts common states of mind that lead to eating

I would love to hear how this went for you and what benefits you noticed! Be sure to share with us in our Facebook and Twitter communities so we can celebrate with you!

Subscribe to my mailing list to get more valuable content weekly here!

Mindful Monday Sample!

How have you been handling the change in seasons? Curious how you can more smoothly ease into our shorter days? I am so excited to share a little taste of peace and serenity with gentle awareness through Mindfulness!

In the spirit of our Mindful Monday re-launch in just a few short days, I wanted to share this Mindful Monday sample with you! All you need is FIVE SHORT MINUTES to take you from feeling frazzled, stressed, unfocused, and spread thin to feeling more refreshed, focused, calm, and energized about your day!

Try my Mindful Monday freebie here for just a few moments and see how your day transforms!

What unlocked for you in doing this today? Share with our Facebook community and help inspire others!

Subscribe to my mailing list to get more valuable content weekly here!

What Is Mindfulness?

Are you finding yourself more and more frazzled? Easily reactive without knowing what set you off? Or are you having a hard time focusing on what you’re trying to do? I have great news! You can find simple ways to get yourself feeling more focused, alert, calm, and ready to just be in the moment! Mindfulness can be learned by anyone. I have seen this transform many people’s lives in a matter of a short few weeks.

Mindfulness meditation refers to a practice that focuses on awareness of the present experience without judgment. The purpose of meditation is to make the mind calm and peaceful. In this state, we can be free from worries and discomfort, giving us clarity, peace, and even happiness. Most find it difficult to control their mindset. It seems as if thoughts are like a balloon in the wind – blown here and there by external circumstances. By training in meditation, most of us will be able to maintain this peaceful clarity and happiness for longer periods of time, even in the most difficult circumstances. Gradually, we develop a mental and emotional equilibrium, a balanced mindset that is clear and at peace most of the time, rather than one that goes back and forth between the extremes of excitement and despondency.

Are you curious about how Mindfulness can benefit you? Try my sample here and see the impact yourself! Share your experience with us in our Facebook community!

Subscribe to my mailing list to get more valuable content weekly here!

Goddess Curriculum Group: LAST CHANCE!

This week is our last chance offer to enroll in our innovative support group for women grappling with the aftermaths of a trauma. If you have been in an overwhelming situation that you left you feeling helpless, suffered a major accident, or have a history of sexual/physical violence, talk to me to see how this group can help you feel “unstuck” and get your life back.


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New Women’s Trauma Group Coming Soon!

We are so excited about our newest group to introduce to our community! This is an original group created with the unique needs of women living their life following trauma. An integrative supportive and didactic group for adult female survivors of trauma provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to re-empowering women to live their lives as they wish.

We explore the many impacts of trauma as well as healing approaches spanning many modalities and focusing on transformative empowerment in our daily lives. Small group size and interaction allows for comfort in sharing our experiences to heal while focusing on forward movement and changes in our lives. The group meets weekly and is time limited so that members can implement what is learned in the group into their own lives as well as receive feedback within the group while making changes in their lives.

The nature of this group requires a small size to ensure a comfortable, quality experience. Please contact me to register and ensure your spot.